Wednesday, September 3, 2014

How to quickly deleted photos on iPhone to release space


Nowadays taking pictures became very common and simple for iPhone user, especially due to iPhone camera pixels is higher and higher. So the result often the camera roll take a lot of storage space, then how to quickly delete photos from iPhone? (please choose a safe way to backup your iPhone photo before removed photo from iPhone) 

In this post, we will show you how to delete photos from iPhone photo library. We will explore the various options we have for not only deleting photos one by one, but also for deleting all photos from an iPhone/iPad at once. 

How to delete photos one by one from iPhone  

Chances are you already know how to delete individual photos from your iPhone or iPad, but for the sake of providing comprehensive information, we will explain how to do that here anyway.
1) Launch the Photos application.
2) Tap on a photo you want to delete.
3) Tap on the Trash icon at the lower right corner of the screen.

4) Your iPhone or iPad will ask you to confirm whether you really want to delete the photo, or if you want to cancel. Tap Delete Photo The photo will be deleted from your iPhone for good.

How to quickly delete multiple photos directly from iPhone 

There are two ways to quickly delete multiple photos at once from your iPhone. The first way has you manually select each and every picture you want to delete. The other way will be described in the next section.
1) Launch the Photos application.
2) Go to the Camera Roll.
3) Hit the Select button in the upper right corner of the screen.
4) Tap to select each photo you want to delete.
5) Once you have selected all the photos you want to remove from your iPhone, tap on the Trash icon in the lower right corner of the screen.

6) You will be asked to confirm to delete the pictures one last time before your pics are deleted forever.

How to quickly select and delete multiple photos 

The other way to quickly select and delete several photos from your iPhone at once is a little less known, but is probably more effective as it allows you to select multiple photos in one tap.
1) Launch the Photos application.
2) Tap on the Photos tab at the bottom of your screen.

3) Although it might not be very obvious at first, you’ll see that the Photos tab hierarchically organizes your photos by Years > Collections > Moments. To navigate through this hierarchy, and depending where in this hierarchy you’re at, you need to get into “Moments.” If you currently are in the “Years” view, all you’ll have to do is to tap on the mosaic of photos from a specific year, then scroll and tap on a specific collection, then you’ll be taken to the “Moments” view. I understand it can be confusing to read this, but it will make sense if you have your iPhone in your hands.

4) Once you are in the Moments view, tap the Select button in the upper right corner.
5) You’ll notice that now, each Moment has a smaller Select button associated to it. Tapping on the Select button of a specific Moment selects all the photos in this Moment. A Moment can easily be deselected simply by tapping on the “Deselect” button.

6) After selecting as many Moments as you want, tap on the Trash icon at the bottom right of the screen. All the photos you’ve selected will be deleted from your photo library.

How to delete photo albums from iPhone 

Deleting a photo album on your iPad or iPhone doesn’t actually delete the photos associated with this album from your Camera Roll, but I thought it would be good to add this quick tip in there as well.
1) Go to the Photos app. Tap on the Albums icon at the bottom of the screen, and make sure you are in the list view of all the albums on your iPhone.

2) Tap the Edit button at the upper right of the screen.

Deletable albums will then get a small red Delete icon associated with them.
3) Tap on the red Delete icon of the album you want to delete. Then tap on the big Delete button to the right of the album.
4) You will get a pop up warning to confirm you indeed want to delete this album. Tap Delete Album
Again, it must be noted that only the album will be deleted. All the photos that were in this album will remain in your Camera Roll until you delete them from there.

How to delete photos from iPhone after importing them 

Most Mac users use iPhoto to manage their pictures. Admittedly, iPhoto is one of my least favorite piece of software. I find it slow and confusing, but sometimes it really helps get the job done. If you use iPhoto to import your photos in your Mac, there is a handy little feature that will help you delete the photos from your iPhone after import.
1) Launch iPhoto on your Mac, and plug your iPhone in.
2) Your iPhone or iPad should be selected by default, but in case it is not, make sure your iPhone is selected from the “Devices” list in the left navigation bar.
3) Click on Import Photos in the upper right of the iPhoto app. This will import all your photos into iPhoto. Obviously, this could take a while, especially if, like me, you have 900 photos to import.

4) Once the import has been completed, iPhoto will automatically give you the option to delete imported photos from your iPhone.
5) Click on “Delete Items.” All the photos will then be removed from your iPhone. 

How to delete all photos from iPhone 

The following method is without a doubt the fastest and most efficient way to mass delete photos from your Camera Roll. You can choose to delete one or hundreds of photos at once, and get the job done in less time that it takes to say it. 
1) Plug your iPhone in your Mac. Launch the application called Image Capture. You might not have heard of it before, but it comes with all Macs. It should be somewhere in your Applications folder. 

2) Make sure your iPhone or iPad is selected from the “Devices” list in the left navigation bar.

3) Select as many photos as you want to delete. If you want to delete all of them in one scoop, hit the “Command + A” keys on your keyboard to select all photos.

4) Click on the red delete icon at the bottom of the screen.

5) You will get one last chance to stop the mass removal of your pictures. Image Capture will ask you if you’re sure you want to delete the selected items permanently. Click Delete. All the photos will be wiped from your iPhone or iPad. 

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